When you soften to the flow of life, you invite all opportunities to fall at your feet.
As a type-A, perfectionist, get-shit-done Queen the first time I heard the word, "soften" was when I was on the yoga mat in the middle of a sweaty downward dog. The yoga instructor asked us to soften our shoulders, push down into the tips of our fingertips, and pull our tailbones up towards the ceiling.
Soften. What did it mean?
I spent my whole life trying to be hard. I always thought of "soft" as weak, or something that you put in with your laundry detergent. But in that moment as I felt my shoulders soften and the sweat rolling off my arms, a few tears came to my eyes and a lump in my throat.
I had forgotten about soft.
Imagine I didn't hear the word "soft" again (unless on the yoga mat) until I was in the delivery room getting ready to give birth to my first born child. Now we were speaking of softening again. The softening of the cervix.
There I was resisting it again. I was resisting opening up, slowing down, breathing with my doula. I was resisting the softness. I powered through my 16 hours of labor until I was exhausted and had to give up and take the epidural. It wasn't until I slept for an hour that I softened enough to dilate and give birth to my beautiful Mishka.
I know what it feels like to power through. To pull yourself together. To be STRONG for everyone and forget to be weak, soft, and vulnerable.
And over the next 7 years I dove deeply into an exploration of my feminine side, my softer energy, my creativity and my flow.
In this course you will:
- Learn about Feminine energy, goddesses, and the power of softening
- Reclaim your power back
- Understand your creative energy
- Let go of the not good enough and the perfection
- Address burnout and where it comes from
Your softer side awaits you...
Will you let go and let Love in?
Your Instructor
Suki Eleuterio is an angel healer, bestselling author, award-winning blogger, wife and mother to her earth angel daughter, Mishka. She leads workshops and live- video (on Periscope and Facebook) tutorials encouraging others to tune into the soul, listen to their angels and live a happy, creative, and purposeful life. She focuses on the Chakras, connecting with spirit guides and angels, and making healthy living choices to transform the lives of others.
Suki is the creator of the Lightworkers Rise Up movement.
Her first book, She Loved Herself, was in the top ten digital downloads on Amazon in the category of Personal Development and Spiritual Transformation. The book is a collection of stories by women sharing from their hearts what it truly means to love yourself.
What People Are Saying...
Course Curriculum
StartVIDEO: Goddess Speaks
StartMessage from Goddess Kuan Yin
StartThe Feminine Archetypes
StartVIDEO: A Goddess is Courageous
StartBecoming Courageous
StartMessage from Goddess Lakshmi
StartVIDEO: Goddess and Your Higher Self (33:10)
StartInvite Your Destiny
StartAbundance Activation Codes